Who'loween Spooktacular Results
To celebrate the Halloween season, we embarked on a dangerous and spine-chilling mission to discover what our visitors thought was the scariest Doctor Who story to date. Doctor Who is, naturally, acclaimed for its Saturday night scares, and one might say that almost every day is Halloween for the Doctor, what with him travelling through time and space encountering the Universe's most frightening foes and what not! But which of his adventures sent the biggest shiver up YOUR spine?
52.0%, 101 votes
With a landslide majority of the final vote, you've named Series 3's Blink as the scariest episode of Doctor Who EVER! Written by Steven Moffat, the Doctor-lite adventure follows Sally Sparrow (Carey Mulligan) as she attempts to solve the chilling mystery surrounding the Weeping Angels. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, not with the added knowledge that the statues are actually a species from the beginning of the Universe, who send their victims back in time and live off the potential energy of their days that could've been. The trouble is, they're just stone creatures when you look at them, so whatever you do, don't bli- |
2nd: Midnight
21.0%, 40 votes
Creeping in at second place is Series 4's Midnight by Who supremo Russell T Davies! Writing a story that involved shoving the Doctor on a bus with a bunch of strangers who find themselves under attack from an unidentified monster could've gone one way or the other, but luckily, it made for a pretty intense 45 minute viewing experience! The mysterious knock-knock-knock-knocking added with Lesley Sharp's menancing portrayal of Sky Silvestry made this episode particularly frightening, and, of course, nobody likes to see the Doctor trapped, alone, powerless and terrified! However, on retrospective, perhaps he'd have been better off just staying back at the spa with Donna? |
3rd: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
15.0%, 28 votes
In at lucky third place is Moffat's acclaimed 2005 two-parter, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, which first aired on Saturday 21st and Saturday 28th May. A backdrop of the London Blitz is a chilling concept in itself, but add a clan of gas-mask zombies and creepy children into the mix and you've got yourself a humdinger of a Doctor Who adventure! 'Are you my mummy?' is sure to go down in history as one of the best television quotes of the 21st century, and Doctor Constantine's graphic transformation from old-man-to-zombie pushed the boundaries of Saturday night teatime viewing. All was well in the end though, because, just that once, everybody lived! Hurrah! |
4th: The Tomb of the Cybermen
7.0%, 13 votes
Finishing in at fourth place is the classic series serial The Tomb of the Cybermen, which aired in four-parts from September 2nd to September 23rd back in 1967. Written by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis, the story, as the title suggests, is centered around the Cybermen, and it is one of the show's earliest adventures to feature the menacing metal cyborgs that we all know and love today. The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) encounters them when he arrives on the planet Telos with companions Jamie McCrimmon (Frazer Hines) and Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling). The time travelling trio discover the legendary tombs of the Cybermen buried beneath its surface... |
5th: Human Nature/The Family of Blood
4.0%, 7 votes
Doctor who? Fifth place goes to the 2007 two-parter Human Nature/The Family of Blood, written by Paul Cornell and based on his 1995 novel. The scariest thing about this adventure, which first aired on 26th May and 2nd June, is the fact that the Tenth Doctor has been forced to transform himself into a human - John Smith - in order to escape from the terrifying Family of Blood. But the scarecrows and traditional 'skipping-girl-with-red-balloon' are more than enough to send a shiver up your spine! |
6th: The Invasion
2.0%, 4 votes
Last but by no means least is the 1968 serial The Invasion, written by Derrick Sherwin and based on a story by Kit Pedler. It aired in eight-parts from 2nd November to 21st December and saw the return of those aforementioned metal cyborgs! The Second Doctor and his companions, Jamie and Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury), discover that sinister things are afoot at an electrical conglomerate in the middle of London in 1975. Yep - you guessed it! The Cybermen are at work again, and this time they're plotting a full-scale invasion of planet Earth... |